Comment on Video Bar

So what's up guys? I added a video bar which displays videos I created for youtube on covers I did with ukulele. The blog is not much since I just started but hoping to learn more of the awesome features it has to offer.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Stem Cell Research is Great!

(Embryonic Stem Cells)
Stem cells are classified as undifferentiated cells which can later develop to specialize into different sort of tissue or cells, which can be harvested from two common places such as adult tissue (mainly from bone marrow, blood vessels or skeletal muscles) or the embryos during the blastocyst period at four to five days old.
One used today is extracting the healthy bone marrow stem cells from a matching patient to another in need to cure Leukemia, after eliminating the abnormal leukocytes, the healthy stem cells are introduced into the patient's blood stream. If it is a success, the healthy leukocytes will replace the abnormal leukocytes in the patient.

(Adult Stem cells)
Through the research of stem cells, many scientists have conducted a number of cures to several diseases and issues like Spinal injury, Leukemia, the potential to treat diabetes, heart disease, Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, Lou Gehrig's & Arthritis. Despite the risks, the benefits seem at greater odds in favor for stem cell research. It would be such a waste not to take such a discovery into consideration and use with what it can do. The field in research is still at such a young age, it would not be surprising to disregard that such a, "small thing can pack a punch."

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