Comment on Video Bar

So what's up guys? I added a video bar which displays videos I created for youtube on covers I did with ukulele. The blog is not much since I just started but hoping to learn more of the awesome features it has to offer.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Me first aligning the rise tool, then checking
whether the slope is increasing or decreasing.
Introduction: At the beach we will be studying and measuring in the field study, the slope of the dunes of sand laying around beaches or so. Checking for the slope of each dune from the beginning toward the foot of the beach to best guess the volume. Studying the amount before swells, storms or strong current can cause further erosion of the sand at the beaches.

A team photo measuring the slope downward toward
the beach.
1. Finding a proper spot for the rise/run team.
2. Set transect line.
3. Transect line ending at the water of the beach
4. Align with the compass "Red Fred facing the Shed" for the direction of the transect line
5. Take the GPS to mark coordinates.
Take the run tool set on the start mark of the transect line.
7. Align right using the measurement of both rise & run tools.
8. Use
rise tool in order to set it one meter apart from the run tool parallel with the transect line.
9. Align straightly using the align measurement attachment at a 90 degree angle
10. Record data on the measurement
11. Take run tool to replace spot occupied by
the rise tool
12. Repeat steps 8 - 10 until all data is recorded

(Beach Slope Data)

(Beach Profile)

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Pre Lab

Big Beach

Introduction: Through this lab will be about the different origins of sand and the chemical reactions to vinegar as the experiment to test the sand resulting to be either biogenic or detrital. The sand will be taken in student favor of two beaches such as Kamaole or even Big Beach if there would be time to collect samples.

Question: After collecting the sand samples from 2 favored beaches by the students, heading back toward the school to test whether the sand samples maybe either detrital or biogenic depending on the chemical reaction the sand does to vinegar.

Hypothesis: Big beach due to it's rich color and fringing reefs just off the coast make me believe the beach's sand would be biogenic, such as Kamaole with it's relatively darker color sand maybe a mix, unknown whether reefs founded nearby or current sweeping from another beach.

Predictions: I predict the sand from Big Beach to be biogenic, as toward Kamaole's sand samples as well.



1. Pipet

2. Sand Samples

3. Vinegar

4. Appropriate Clothing

5. Container for sand samples


1. Prepare pipet

2.Take sample #1

3. Take 20 drops of vinegar with pipet

4. Deposit vinegar drops into Sample

5. Record reaction 6. Take Next sand sample

7. Repeat steps 3 - 5

8. Recorded all data whether samples be biogenic or detrital.

Data/Field Observations:

  • Big Beach - Small slope of uphill sand layer, evidence of higher water tide causing beach erosion. Black specks and other minimized components of minerals, evident the beach maybe a mix of both detrital and biogenic sand.
  • Kamaole - Clear and relatively tanner sand shade, hardly any evidence of beach erosion. Sand components consisting the remains of crumbled marine shells, a tanner color than Big Beach's sand and more course.

Observations: Taken a sample of Big Beach's sand and took 20 drops of vinegar into the beaker and watch the reaction, after close analysis using a majority of the sense: hear, sight, touch, and smell (not really), the sand turned out to bubble and sizzle proving it was biogenic, same for the second sand sample which was Wailea beach. From other students, their tests proved that Kamaole's sand also had proved to be biogenic.


  • Wailea - Biogenic
  • Big Beach - Biogenic
  • Kamaole - Biogenic

We studied the sand's current status of the beach and it's previous years of condition with research. After later on required sand samples for testing at the lab to conclude whether the sand from beach's was biogenic or detrital using beakers, the sand samples and vinegar. I hypothesized that the sand of Big beac & Kamaole would both prove to be biogenic after testing. Through careful observation with the testing, I conclude that the sand samples of Wailea, Big beach and Kamaole's sand is biogenic due to the vinegar's reaction to the sand which caused the sand to bubble, crackle, and sizzle. Even after the experiment, there maybe several things wrong that we could have miscalculated, such as the lack of diverse sand samples from each beach as one could have a majority of detrital sand and another maybe biogenic. Possibly the wrong sand entirely from the beaches, mislabeling, improper drops of vinegar, etc.